Supporting you
A lasting legacy of happiness

Support for autistic individuals

Every Individual deserves the bespoke and personalised support, care and understanding.

We aim to help you achieve what is important to you. We aim to celebrate your strengths and achievements and empower you so you can live a happy and fulfilled life.

From education to training, advice and opportunities in the world of work – our people are a source of expertise and inspiration.

Our job is to support you, providing the skills, confidence and independence to realise the remarkable contribution you have to make.

Supporting Families, Carers & Friends

Every Individual and their support network deserves support, reassurance and understanding.

Throughout your journey with us, you will be supported at every step. Our dedicated family liaison team works with you to assess your support requirements.

We offer home visits, provide information for families and carers, and ensure you are aware of the broader services and benefits available to you. We are creative and responsive to the needs of individuals and their support network.

You’ll be thrilled by what’s possible; it’s truly remarkable.

Find out more

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This is how we do things:

We are Creative

We redefine what’s possible every day, pushing boundaries and always striving to do things differently and better.

We are Aspirational

We respond with compassion, energy and adaptability, always learning and always focused on creating a legacy of lasting happiness.

We are Resilient

We keep our promises and aren’t afraid to stand up and be counted honestly, openly, and always with pride.

We are Respectful

We know how important it is to get things right and recognise the views of others. Consistency, kindness and integrity are at the heart of everything we do.

How you describe our remarkable services

This is my old school, I remember it well,  I did woodwork and built a fish pond in the school grounds i was there from 1983 I was 11yrs old then and left Wargrave House at 16 in 1988.

Ian W

Alumni at Wargrave House School, Part of the Remarkable mission.

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